Steering Committee
Calendar Year 2018

Dr. Kyle Farmbry, J.D., PhD.
Dean, Rutgers Graduate School-Newark (Chair)
Kyle Farmbry is Dean of the Graduate School at Rutgers University-Newark. In 2016 he served as as a Fulbright Fellow examining European Union immigration policies - with an emphasis on the challenges and management of the North African refugee movement and integration in the nation of Malta. In May of 2016 Dr. Farmbry was invited by the South African Minister of Higher Education and Training to facilitate the development of a network of U.S. higher education institutions that would work collaboratively with South African higher education institutions in areas of capacity and infrastructure development in higher education. In August 2012, his book Crisis, Disaster, and Risk: Institutional Response and Emergence was published by M.E. Sharpe. He is currently completing a book examining issues of migration and xenophobia in the United States, Europe, and Southern Africa.
In 2018, he helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM), whose executive committee he co-chairs with Dr. Colleen Thouez, Director of the Welcoming and Integration Division of the Open Society Foundations.

Dr. Galya Ben-Arieh (aka Ruffer), J.D., Ph.D.
Director, Center for Forced Migration Studies, Buffett Institute for Global Studies Northwestern University
Galya Ben-Arieh is the founding Director of the Center for Forced Migration Studies at the Buffett Institute for Global Studies, Northwestern University. Her community-based research seeks to strengthen the rights and processes of refugee protection and contribute to our understandings of the role of law in settlement and inclusion in host societies. She has published widely and is co-author of Adjudicating Refugee and Asylum Status: The Role of Witness, Expertise, and Testimony (co-edited with Benjamin Lawrance), Cambridge University Press (2015). She serves on the executive committee of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, and has worked as an immigration attorney representing political asylum claimants both as a solo-practitioner and as a pro-bono attorney.
In 2018, she helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM), and serves as a member of its Steering Committee.

Dr. Tamirace Fakhoury, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Institute for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution (ISJCR) Lebanese American University
Tamirace Fakhoury is an associate professor in Political Sciences and International Affairs in the Department of Social Sciences, and the associate director of the Institute of Social Justice and Conflict Resolution (ISJCR). From 2014 until 2016, she was a principal co-investigator on the project Syrian refugees’ justice concerns and access to formal and informal justice in Lebanon. Her core research and publication areas are: power-sharing in divided societies, migration dynamics and governance, Arab states’ coping mechanisms with forced migration, and the role of immigrant communities and diasporas in democratization, and conflict transformation. Fakhoury has published in The International Journal of Middle East Studies, The European Foreign Affairs Review, and International Migration. She is member of the core coordination team of the Global Migration Policy Associates in Geneva.
In 2018, she helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM), and serves as a member of its Steering Committee.

Dr. Astride Nazaire, Ph.D.
Minister Counselor, Permanent Mission of Haiti to the UN
Astride Nazaire is Minister for Economic Affairs for the Permanent Mission of Haiti to the United Nations in New York where she is responsible for economic, social and environmental policy. Prior to joining the Mission of Haiti thirteen years ago, Astride was Senior Account Manager for the Business Development Bank of Canada (2003), a financial institution devoted exclusively to entrepreneurs. A member of the senior management team, she managed multiple large investment portfolios. Astride has also served as Deputy Head of Portfolio and Exchange Division for the Central Bank of Haiti (BRH).
In 2018, she helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM), and serves as a member of its Steering Committee.
In 2018, she helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM), and serves as a member of its Steering Committee.

Dr. Bernhard T. Streitwieser, Ph.D.
Interim Director, International Education Program
The George Washington University
Bernhard Streitwieser is an Assistant Professor of International Education at the George Washington University in Washington, DC., where his current research focuses on challenges and pathways for refugees and migrants seeking access to higher education, and specifically the case of Germany. From 2010-2013 he was a visiting Fulbright and DAAD-funded professor at Berlin's Humboldt Universität, where he studied the Erasmus program and lectured on the internationalization of higher education. From 2002-2010 was a Senior Researcher at Northwestern University and a Lecturer in the School of Education and Social Policy and before that a guest researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für-Bildungsforschung in Berlin and a Research Analyst at American Institutes for Research in Washington, DC. In 2014 he published Internationalisation of Higher Education and Global Mobility for Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, and in 2016 International Higher Education’s Scholar-Practitioners: Bridging Research and Practice for Symposium Books.
In 2018, he helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM). In addition to serving as a member of its Steering Committee, he champions Action Area 5: Research.

Dr. Darla K. Deardorff
Executive Director, Association of Interational Education Administrators (AIEA)
Darla K. Deardorff is Executive Director of the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA). In addition, she is a research scholar in the Program in Education at Duke University and has held national leadership positions with NAFSA and with Forum on Education Abroad. Editor of The Sage Handbook of Intercultural Competence (Sage, 2009), she has published widely on international education and cross-cultural issues. With nearly 20 years of experience in the field of intercultural education, she teaches courses in international education and intercultural communication and is on the faculty of Harvard University's Future of Learning Institute. She received her master’s and doctorate degrees from North Carolina State University.
In 2018, she helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM). In addition to serving as a member of the UARRM Steering Committee, she champions Action Area 2: Reducing Barriers to Higher Education.

Dr. Jason E. Lane, Ph.D.
Director, Cross-Border Education Research Team
Jason E. Lane is Director of the Cross-Border Education Research Team and founding executive director of the SUNY Academic & Innovative Leadership (SAIL) Institute. Previously, he served as Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Strategic Leadership and Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for the State University of New York, where he was responsible for the development and implementation of academic, economic, global, and leadership initiatives across the system.
Dr. Lane's scholarly expertise focuses the leadership and governance of higher education, particularly as it relates to the emerging relationship between higher education, policy and politics, and globalization. A Fulbright New Century Scholar, he has conducted research in more than 30 countries on the development of multi-national colleges and universities. He serves as co-editor for two book series with SUNY Press, Critical Issues in Higher Education and Global Issues in Higher Education and has served on the boards of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Council for International Higher Education (CIHE), the Gulf Comparative Education Society (GCES), and SUNY Korea.
In 2018, he helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM), and serves as a member of its Steering Committee.

Dr. Tim Raphael, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Migration and the Global City (CMGC)
Founding Partner and Director, Newest Americans
Rutgers University-Newark
Tim Raphael is the Founding Director of the Center for Migration and the Global City (CMGC). CMGC fosters research on and civic engagement with New Jersey immigrant communities, and is an incubator for migration research, digital humanities, and innovative pedagogy. Raphael also directs Newest Americans, a multimedia storytelling project chronicling the immigrant experience from the vantage point of the most diverse national university in the United States. A collaboration between CMGC, project partners VII Photo and Talking Eyes Media, and multiple Rutgers-Newark academic departments, Newest Americans is a collaborative laboratory in which journalists, artists and media-makers work alongside RU-N faculty and students to document local immigrant stories with global resonance.
In 2018, he helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM). In addition to serving as a member of the UARRM Steering Committee, he champions Action Area 6: Media and Communications.

Dr. Keith David Watenpaugh
Professor and Founding Director Human Rights Studies
University of California, Davis
Keith David Watenpaugh is Founding Director of the UC Davis Human Rights Studies Program and is a pioneer in the theory and criticism of Human Rights and Humanitarianism. Since 2013, he has also led a multi-disciplinary international research program in collaboration with the Institute of International Education to address the human impact of the wars in Syria and Iraq.
Watenpaugh’s writings on war’s impact on higher education have helped shape policy on national and international levels, leading to the development of guiding principles and resources for universities, governments, and foundations.
With a doctorate in Modern Middle East History from UCLA, he is author of award-winning books including Bread from Stones: The Middle East and the Making of Modern Humanitarianism (California, 2015).
In 2018, he helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM), and serves as a member of its Steering Committee.

Dr. Sarah Willcox, Ph.D.
Director, Scholar Rescue Fund
Institute of International Education (IIE)
Sarah Willcox is Director of the Institute of International Education (IIE) Scholar Rescue Fund. With over 15 years in higher education grants administration and non-profit management, she oversees the IIE-SRF operations, including partnerships, program policy, outreach, and communications. Ms. Willcox joined IIE-SRF in 2003 after three years with IIE as an advisor to international Fulbright students. She represents IIE-SRF in various initiatives and partnerships, including the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA), the Welfare of Scientists Working Group of the American Association of the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the European Union's Temporary Relocation Platform (EUTRP).
In 2018, she helped spearhead the creation of the University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants (UARRM). In addition to serving as a member of its Steering Committee, she champions Action Area 1: Legal Pathways for Entry into the US.